Form1 Demo for Sound .DLL Routines Form1* Label1 SpSound Command3 spTone Command1 Demo All Label2 PAdapted from 'C' routines which appeared in the MAY 1990 Issue of Inside Turbo C Command4 spSound Command7 spNosound Picture1 Command5 spNoise Command6 spChirp Label4 .Submitted July 8th, 1991 By Alfred J. Giordano Command2 Label3 spNoise Do_Noise Command1_Click Noise spTone spChirp spSound spNosounde Command2_Click\ Text1_ChangeJ Form1 text1 Text* Label3_Click Label3 Caption Form_Click Picture1_Click Delay Ticks Pausew Command3_Click Command6_Click Command5_Click Command4_Click Command7_Click BeenHere BennHere Do_Noise Demo of (Sp) Sound Functions- Sound Glides Down like a Siren 220 = Starting Frequencye 440 = Starting Frequencye 10 = Cycles of Each Frequencye Makes a continuous Tone 330 = Length (counts) for a 1/2 Cycle 1000 = Number of Cycles or Duration Create a hissing noise or White Noise 0 = Total number of counts to delay. starts a continuous tonet 440 = desired frequency use spNosound to stop tone. Terminate all Sound Functions Command1_Click Command2_Click Delay Command3_Click Makes a continuous Tone 330 = Length (counts) for a 1/2 Cycle 1000 = Number of Cycles or Duration Command6_Click Sound Glides Down like a Siren) 220 = Starting Frequency 440 = Starting Frequency 10 = Cycles of Each Frequency) Command5_Click Create a hissing noise or White Noise 0 = Total number of counts to delay. Command4_Click starts a continuous tone 440 = desired frequency use spNosound to stop tone. Command7_Click Terminate all Sound Functions